Position Statement
Taiko Foods LTD Modern Slavery Statement 2020/21
This statement has been published in accordance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015. It sets out the steps we take to understand all potential risks to ensure that there is no slavery, servitude, forced or compulsory labour, or human trafficking in our business or supply chains.
We recognise our responsibility to identify and address potential or actual human rights infringements linked to the products and services we provide. We require our suppliers to uphold the same standards as we apply to ourselves.
Our Structure and supply chains
Taiko Foods is a production company made up of factory, kiosk and head office workers. There are approximately 410 people serving over all divisions. We have a centralised procurement team who work closely with approximately 70 food suppliers worldwide and we have established strong relationships based on trust and transparency.
Prevention of slavery and human trafficking by Taiko and its suppliers
Taiko believe in honesty and build good working relationships with our traders. We will never knowingly accept food products from our suppliers who do not adhere to the Modern Slavery Act 2015.
To prevent this happening, we will be undertaking the following due diligence procedures:
- Require all suppliers to demonstrate their compliance to the Act by providing their most recent annual statement
- Undertake regular audits of the range of suppliers being used
This procedure will be designed to:
- Establish an assess areas of potential risk in our business and supply chains
- Monitor potential risk in our business and supply chains
- Reduce the risk of slavery and trafficking occurring
If Taiko become aware of any concerns with our suppliers and/or they classified as ‘high risk’, a full investigation will take place to determine whether these concerns are justified with appropriate action taking place if needed. Depending on the severity of the concerns, Taiko will work with the provider by agreeing an action plan, terminate the supplier and/or source the product from an alternative supplier.
Taiko is committed to comply with all aspects of UK Employment Law and particularly with those aspects of law which protect individuals from exploitation.
A company wide right to work audit check took place using an external company called ‘Trust ID’. This ensured everyone had the right documents in place to work for Taiko and were all given guidance on what to do to continue working with Taiko when the documents expired. All new hires undergo the same process where their right to work documents are verified using the app.
A policy and procedure on Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking is in place which outlines how we will confidentially act, along with the steps that will be taken if we uncover any staff members who are a victim of modern slavery and/or human trafficking or external suppliers not adhering to the Act.
Taiko have a whistleblowing policy and procedure and partnered with a company called ‘Protect’. The decision to use an external company was made to ensure all matters were dealt with in a private and confidential way where all identities remain anonymous. Once the circumstance has been put forward to ‘Protect’, the trained advisers will guide the employee through the best course of action along with providing professional advice. If the matter is deemed as Whistleblowing, all information will be forward to the People department who will conduct a full investigation.
Our Employee Code of Conduct is clearly outlined to our teams in the handbook along with the actions and behaviours which are expected of them whilst at work and through the course of their duties and responsibilities. We strive to maintain the highest standards of employee conduct when managing our staff and suppliers, and expect all our colleagues to behave in the same way.
Taiko complies with the Anti-Bribery Act 2010 and does not tolerate any form of bribery by or of its employees, agents or any other person acting on our behalf.
We aim to educate our people to recognise the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking in our business and supply chains. A training programme has been developed to help our teams identify and report any potential breaches of the organisations anti-slavery and human trafficking policy. They will be taught the benefits of stringent measures to tackle slavery and human trafficking, as well as the consequences of failing to eradicate slavery and human trafficking from our business and supply chains.
Examples of training that will be rolled out across our organisation this year include:
- Representatives from each department within our Head Office will attend a Modern Slavery training session.
- Information absorbed during the training will been communicated out to all our employees via our communication platform.
- Taiko aim to register to Stronger Together and actively use the resources available to improve our understanding in the topic across the organisation.
- A member of the People Team will attend external training in order to ensure we are adhering to the Modern Slavery Act 2015.
Further steps Taiko will take to prevent Modern Slavery + Human Trafficking in 2021
Following a review of our actions this financial year to prevent slavery or human trafficking from occurring in our business or supply chains, we intend to take the following steps to tackle slavery and human trafficking:
- Continue with our high standards and auditing process we have outlined in our statement and consider more stringent ways in which to verify right to work checks.
- Improve our knowledge and understanding across the organisation by delivering group training to all employees holding a management position.
- Create awareness training and highlight key signs to spot and ensure all team members have watched and understood the training.
- Continue to ensure our suppliers are adhering to the act by adding Modern slavery section within the contract.
- Become an active member with Stronger Together to eliminate any future risk.
This statement is made in accordance with section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes Taiko Foods slavery and human trafficking statement.